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Consulting Services

Tailored services to meet your company’s specific needs

As your business and plan mature, you may be faced with unique issues that require special handling. Here’s how JM Pension can help.

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Correcting Plan Errors. We help correct plans that are out of compliance (late/missing Form 5500 filings, late employee/employer contributions, incomplete/unsigned plan documents) and errors in plan operation (inappropriate exclusion of employee or group of employees from plan, incomplete documentation for plan distributions).

Preparing for Governmental Audit. A governmental audit from IRS, DOL, or PBGC can be a random review or brought about by a specific if a complaint. JM Pension will take the lead in communicating with the auditor, help you organize the supporting documentation the audit requires, and conduct a review to determine if any weaknesses exist and how to correct them.

Evaluating Business Changes. Understand how a merger, acquisition, or termination in your business will affect your plan and your participants. For example, are you aware that upon a plan termination, all participants are accelerated to 100% vesting regardless of service requirements in your plan document?